Warning: There is some explicit language in this interview.
What got you into selling pot?
I was in high school. All my friends were starting to get interested in pot and I knew an older kid who could get it for us. Once I realized that weed cost so much money (20$ a gram at the time for a high school kid is a lot), I needed to find a better way to get my own shit. I started buying larger amounts from the older kids and sold it to my friends. I was able to save some of each purchase to smoke myself for free and I was putting a little bit of money in my pockets at the same time. I felt like fucking Pablo Escobar fam, it was great.
What has changed during your time as a drug dealer?
Quality and price have been the two biggest changes. Back when I first started selling pot, there was no such thing as high grade. Not in Boston at least. Sure a good strain would come around once in a while but that was a total accident. We use to smoke what the kids these days call 'mids' or 'regular'. You will NEVER catch me smoking that bullshit now. The amount I pay for weed has cut in half as well, part of that is due to the fact that Maine has started growing some really good shit. My old shit use to come from Texas or California and came with a huge price markup for the transportation. Now with so much good stuff growing in Maine, I can send a runner to pick up for me and come back in the same night. This gives me greater access and allows me to sell my product at lower prices while still making bank. It is a nice little set up for me.
Where does your dealer get his stuff?
I can't tell you that shit, I'll get killed. Nah, I am playing (laughs). But for real, I have no idea who my dealer's dealer is. I do know that it is grown in bulk in Maine by one of his buddies. This is not an uncommon thing as Maine has some pretty relaxed laws when it comes to marijuana cultivation restrictions. But nah, my guy is the best. He always hooks it up and lets me pick and choose the shit I want so I ensure that I always have the best products to sell to my customers.
How do you even get in contact with someone like this in the first place?
I actually met him through a friend of a friend. We started just smoking together a few times, and then I started buying small, personal amounts from him. After a few months of picking up, I realized that his stuff was much better than the weed I was getting at the time. I asked to get more and started gradually building from there. Eventually, he saw what I was doing and offered to cut me a break if I came up to him in Maine to pick up. It took the fuck off from there!
Does drug dealing scare you?
A little bit. I mean there is always the risk of being caught by the police. At least in Boston, the laws are a little more relaxed but I still have to be careful. I prefer only selling to people I really know, no small shit and no strangers. That way I can keep my circle as small as possible while still getting to my money. A lot of my customers sell weed themselves so it makes it easier for me to get rid of my shit fast. That is what I am most worried about. Sitting on a few pounds at a time, because there is no talking your way out of that much pot.
What was the worst thing that happened to you during a drug deal?
I have had a gun pulled on me. I went over to sell pot to someone I had been dealing with for some time. I was young and stupid at the time and just walked right into an ambush. There were signs that something was off leading up to the sale but I ignored them of course. I walk into the room and someone jumps out the closet and on my back, bashing the handle of the gun into the back of my head. I fell face first down onto the bed and someone ripped my bag off my back. It was over only 2 OZs so I did not give a fuck. I was not about to let some idiot kill me over 500$ worth of weed. Fuck that shit, so I let them take my shit and push me out the door. Yeah, I was pissed off but I realized that these people were not worth it. If you got to rob someone over 500$ with a gun, you got bigger issues my guy.
What are your feelings about legalization?
I welcome it. I really don't think it will hurt my business. Sure some people will try out the stores but the prices will be high and the quality will be the same as the shit I got. I am not really worried about losing my customers as they tend to buy in bulk anyway, something you will not be able to do at these stores for a long time.