Regulated Weed Culture (RWC) is arranged and authored by Business Management
Majors from the University of Massachusetts, Boston, who want to create an online
community for open dialogue and factual information share about the emerging
industries surrounding the state’s decision to legalize cannabis cultivation, sales, and
consumption. RWC will keep you informed of new policies and concerns as they are
discussed at events across the state, we will include interviews with local industry
leaders and policy decision makers, along with posts about various topics related to
this developing weed culture as a whole, like recipes for edibles, health concerns, and
other societal impacts as they arise. RWC will also connect you to original content from
other social media platforms including Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and Pinterest.
These social platforms will be further used to develop active relationships with our
readers through open discussion forums, a calendar of local events, as well as a
first-hand account of at-home cannabis cultivation. In order to build our reputation for
reliable content, we ensure that all articles from outside sources will be accredited and
fact-checked to the best of our abilities. If you have a question, comment, or concern
of your own that you'd like to share with us, please contact our group at