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Wednesday, March 28

Music and Weed

Greetings all, April is right around the corner and we are soon to be welcomed by the lovely weather of Spring! But don't get fooled, nice weather or not if you enjoy smoking just about any weather is nice weather for a joint! Tonight's discussion is an interesting one because we urge you to think about how you feel while smoking and listening to music versus to how you feel when music is absent. Does music enhance your smoking experience or does it disturb it? 
Check out below what research says:

According to Tom Barnes author of the article "Here's Why Music Sounds So Much Better When You're High, According to Science" he includes quotes and statements from various psychologists and professors who have done intense research on this topic. He includes "music combined with marijuana tends to produce feelings of euphoria and connectedness to the music and the musicians. THC — the active ingredient — is known to stimulate the brain's natural pleasure centers, while also disrupting short-term memory. The disruption of short-term memory thrusts listeners into the moment of the music as it unfolds; unable to explicitly keep in mind what has just been played, or to think ahead to what might be played, people stoned on pot tend to hear music from note to note. Subconsciously all of the usual processes of expectation formation are still occurring, but consciously, the music creates what many people describe as a time-standing-still phenomenon. They live for each note, completely in the moment."

We are curious to know your input on this, do you agree/disagree or perhaps have your own story involving weed and music. This is something that is talked about a lot amongst friends and stoners. Do you have a particular song that you enjoy listening to, if so comment and let us know. We're in the process of creating a playlist for those who enjoy tunes related to marijuana. 

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